These are used alongside our core approaches, which aim to deliver innovative and flexible support that suits each individual.

Our specialist approaches include:

Intensive interaction

Intensive interaction is an approach that can help support staff connect and communicate meaningfully with people with severe and profound learning disabilities. It works by progressively developing enjoyable and relaxed interactions between the support worker and the person being supported. Research shows that this approach enables the person being supported to increase fundamental communication skills including eye contact, facial expressions, turn-taking and emotional engagement. 


The SPELL framework was developed by the National Autistic Society for supporting children and adults with autism. It uses person-centred socially valid approaches to reduce the more disabling effects of autism, whilst encouraging and promoting the strengths of autism and improving overall quality of life.

Transforming care

We have a wealth of experience in supporting people with complex and multiple disabilities – many of whom display behaviour that challenges – to live successfully and happily in their local community. Our experience includes supporting people to move out of long-stay intuitions, including assessment and treatment units (ATUs), and back from out of area. We also provide bespoke housing management and support solutions. Access our Transforming Care resources.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Positive Behaviour Support means changing situations and events that people experience in order to increase their quality of life and reduce the likelihood that challenging behaviours will occur.

TSI (Teaching Skills)

Training in Systematic Instruction (TSI) is an approach that provides support staff with the skills and knowledge required to provide one-on-one support for people with disabilities who need help to acquire practical life and workplace skills.

Further information

Our resources share innovative approaches proven to achieve positive outcomes. View and download our specialist approach resources.